Voalte Mobile helps users to solve care communication challenges.
Voalte Mobile gives healthcare professionals the tools to solve healthcare communication challenges through easy to use digital apps.
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Voalte Mobile helps users to solve care communication challenges.

Voalte Mobile helps users make effective care communication happen.

Clinicians are interrupted once every 3 minutes in an average workday. * (1)

68% of healthcare providers identified that using Voalte Mobile in their job enables them to accomplish tasks more quickly. * (2)


Nurses spend over 3 hours of every shift communicating and coordinating care, impacting time available to spend with patients. * (3)

Voalte Mobile has demonstrated an increase of 20% in the frequency of interprofessional bed rounds. * (4)


50 - 80% of patient adverse events are due to communication failures. * (5)

Voalte Mobile has helped users to achieve a 59% reduction in communication failures. * (6)


On the move with you

Since caregivers are always on the move, their communication tools should move with them and seamlessly integrate with their workflow, regardless of the care team location.

With Voalte Mobile, care team conversations happen anywhere, whenever they are needed.

Voalte Mobile reduced all communication time between caregivers by 82%. * (7)


Voalte Mobile recognises that medical care operates in a complex ecosystem. The solution integrates with existing hospital systems, putting vital information at nurses' and doctors' fingertips — when and where they need it. 


Using one application, clinical staff have a range of communication options at their fingertips. Voalte Mobile integrates with most existing hospital communication and data management systems, putting vital information at the fingertips of clinical staff— when and where they need it the most. Wherever communication is needed, Voalte Mobile is there to facilitate.

One Solution To Manage,
Three Ways To Connect


At the start of each shift, care teams can select their role, rooms, ward, team or patients. If they float to another ward or assume a new role, they can change their assignments with a few simple taps. Those changes are immediately visible to all other users, so it’s easy to find the right person at the right time.

* at a single institution

(1) Sasangohar, F. et al. (2014) “Interruptions experienced by Cardiovascular Intensive Care Unit Nurses: An observational study,” Journal of Critical Care, 29(5), pp. 848–853. Available at:

(2) Miller, S. (2016) Communication in the acute care setting using the Voalte application: The ease and perceived usefulness, Health eCareers. Available at: (Accessed: February 2023).

(3) Michel, O. et al. (2021) “How do nurses spend their time? A Time and motion analysis of nursing activities in an Internal Medicine Unit,” Journal of Advanced Nursing, 77(11), pp. 4459–4470. Available at: 

(4) Dongmo Fotsing, L.N., Pang, E.M. and Shieh, L. (2021) “How is Mobile Health Technology Transforming Physician–Nurse Collaboration?,” Internal Medicine Journal, 51(9), pp. 1522–1525. Available at: 

(5) PSQH (2017) Patient handoffs: The gap where mistakes are made, Patient Safety & Quality Healthcare. Available at: https:/ (Accessed: February 2023). 

(6) Hansen, J.E., Lazow, M. and Hagedorn, P.A. (2018) “Reducing interdisciplinary communication failures through secure text messaging: A Quality Improvement Project,” Pediatric Quality & Safety, 31. Available at: https:/

(7) Gallot-Reeves, S. (2015) How Frisbie Memorial uses smatphones to optimize care collaboration and Coordination, Becker’s Hospital Review. Available at: (Accessed: February 21, 2023).

Find Out More

Discover how Voalte Mobile can integrate with your existing
systems and optimise your care communications today




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